Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas reflection 2011

Nothing beats writing a piece of reflection on Christmas day.

It is my 26th Christmas this year. For the very early ones I really could not remember except one year I went out with parents to watch all the Santas and Christmas lighting. That was a very vivid memory been installed to my brain as I had my fluorescent glasses frame blasted on my face..... Anyway that wash't the whole point of the reflection entry.

Just in recent years I have spent my Christmas Eve at church attending night service and this year it was my first time going to church on a Christmas Day at 9am. Didn't manage to go previously as I thought it was ok just to skip it as I already went to church at night on Christmas Eve.

Alright I have to admit that during the sermon I wasn't concentrating 100%, I was half of the time day dreaming reflecting how I happened to come to this church (but not a mega church?). That led me back to 2006, when one of my classmates introduced me to the Chaplain. I didn't know how it all happened, but it happened. Wasn't it very amazing I met a few people and originally thought randomly to make some new friends, but end up turned to Christ, going to church and started ministry here? I didn't know how it happened, but it happened. Ever since I have started going to this church I have NOT ONE Sunday of missing church except travelling. It was all in God's hands and His plans.

It changed my whole life. Thank You Lord.

Therefore, here I am at this small church, devoting myself into ministries and enjoying the process of learning / giving love. Situation would be completely different if I happened to go to another church or even mega church. I'm glad that God put me in here.

I know 25th is not Your birthday but all mankind been celebrating as it is Your birthday. I just hope that people will soon realise You're the only main character in the whole festival, not Santas, not Deers (even they're adorable). And definitely NOT shopping and discounts. I just hope that people will give some time to think about You when enjoying this great celebration, and knowing that their holiday was ONLY given because of You.

As for 2012, I am going to put all my goals into a year planner to help me achieve them.

Oh and I just realise even at first you may feel awful of having a Christmas time alone (especially reading all the Christmas parties / great meals Facebook posts from friends in HK). But sooner as you get older / wiser, you'd enjoy the time of staying alone to clear out thoughts and ideas. Having said that I have spent good time dining with friends on Christmas night and spent the rest of that night at home reflecting and cleaning (that was wat I meant really). There's no need to antisocial on a dining table by ignoring people and playing phones, we have whole night of doing it when we get home. But when dining with people I think these are the minimum respect.

You could stay alone even if you're surrounded by a whole bunch of people. Likewise you could feel you're surrounded by angels and warmth even staying home alone.

Merry Christmas.

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